Thursday, March 1, 2007

War Without a Cause?

While searching the internet I came across this article about how the US plans to control Baghdad. As of now, the city has been very unstable due to attacks from extremist parties. "Until last week the intensity of bloodshed was almost routine." Iraqi and American troops are spread throughout the city in an attempt of stabilization. "It is difficult to see how America can keep up its commitments here at this level for very long." This quote taken from the article is a perfect description of my feelings towards this war. As I was reading the article, there seems to be no purpose to control Baghdad, there is no plan. A war that has been going on for such an extended period of time must have a purpose but the irony in this is that the war we are fighting in Iraq, many would argue, is pointless. Clearly our efforts throughout the past years have done nothing for Iraq or our nation but kill many of innocent people. It is difficult to hear on the news of more causality everyday when essentially we are fighting for nothing. I do not understand how the United States as a nation believes that we will be able to control Iraq by inflicting our style of government over them and expecting gratitude back from their part. Being a fifteen year old girl and knowing little about the world compared to others, this is a completely unreasonable belief. We are giving ourselves a false sense of reality and causing two nations unnecessary troubles.

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