Friday, March 2, 2007

In their shoes

This cartoon depicts two Iraqi men looking at a poster that is inviting the public to a burning of the german flag. The joke is that the Danish, American, and British names have all been crossed off as if they had already happened. Before reading Baghdad without a map I knew little to none about what actually was going on in Iraq. All I knew was that we were searching for weapons of mass destruction. I also naively thought that all Iraqis were full of hate and I viewed them as bad people. Tony Horwitz has given insight onto the fact that not all Iraqis or middle easterns for that matter are full of hate towards us. Some Iraqis probably believe that we are all crazy and full of hate for having sent troops into their country. Horwitz does a good job of looking at America from the middle eastern perspective and letting the readers know that the Iraqis have little knowledge about us like we do of them, and that they are not all full of hate and bad. This cartoon is one of ignorance and lack of knowledge.


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