Thursday, March 1, 2007

Oh Saddam

Living in a country with a "physco" dictator does not sound appealing but living in a country where when the dictator goes on a diet so do the rest of the men in that country sounds even less appealing. In history classes students learn about differnet forms of government and the history behind each, what makes a good dictator succesful? Well, what about Hitler? Hitler was able to control a country with intimidation and brainwash the people of Germany into believing that a innocent race of people did not belong on the face of this earth. "Article 225 of Iraq's penal code stated rahter baldy that anyone who critized the president, his party or the government, "for the purpose of raising public opinion against authority," would be put to death." (pg.108) Much like Hitler, Saddam has brainwashed Iraq into believing that he is essentially, God. Millions of pictures that appear all over the country are a great example of the power Saddam holds within his country and how based on intimidation he is able to have support from within his country. The people of Iraq cannot communicate with the outside world nor would they try because of the fear Saddam has inflicted. What makes a dictator? How can one person believe that he or she has the right to rule his own people so violently? Answers such as this are not found in books but more specificly anywhere in the world. Human tendencies are bazzar. Ironically, the people of Iraq are forced to deal with the extensive laws and mass killings Saddam puts upon them but do not complain. Look at the United States with all the freedom in the world and more people than not have something negative to say about our government or our type of "dictator," George Bush. Now however, George Bush, whether he is an adequate president or not, shines in light of Saddam.

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