Friday, March 2, 2007

Respnse to America and Iraq we fear the government

This post that Jonny posted interested me, but did not convince me that what Jonny was saying was true. I don't think that our government can be compared to that of Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. Some in our country may fear imprisonment and they have a right to, however the only reason for these imprisonments is to ensure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. I believe our laws differ greatly from that of Saddams. Saddam had unwritten laws such as each family must have one picture of Saddam in their house, and no one was allowed to speak out against Saddam. In the U.S. we are not required to have a picture of any political figures and we are allowed to voice our opinion even if it is directly against our ruler so to say. In Iraq if one were to speak against Saddam chances are they would be executed or beaten. That law is not for justice that law is for power and Saddam's pursuit for ultimate power through fear. Our country is founded on the principles of freedom not the principles of power.


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