Thursday, March 1, 2007

Movie watched in Class

Movie from in class
The movie that the class watched was extremely informative, and well done. The belief of the source of hatred towards the rest of the world is said to have started nearly ninety years ago. It started in WWI when The Middle East chose their sides and lost. As a consequence they lost their land and control over the government. My question to the Middle East is what did they expect? That is what happens in the aftermath of the war; losing countries are punished. The Middle East did get unfortunate when Ahtaturk was thrown out of power and the countries returned to the past. The countries were not united at all till a common enemy was formed, the U.S. The movie also says that every time they lose them they feel humiliated. Why do the Middle Eastern countries choose to keep attacking? With their track record they cannot win. In my eyes the Middle Eastern government makes bad decisions. Instead of attacking countries, why doesn’t the Middle East figure out their problems internally? This is what the problem is all about, their government making stupid decisions, not the U.S. problem for being idolized and creating jealousy.

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